Thursday, May 24, 2007

Temminck's stints at Dorney Lake

Late on this warm afternoon I approached the walk between the lakes at Dorney with a sinking heart; a truck and two dogs were careering about among the sheep while further along a tractor was mowing the grass. Would anything be about?

Well, the regulars were present. And along the shore of the return lake was one common sandpiper, with two others on the first scrape. I began to walk back with one eye on the clock. I'd packed the scope away in the rucksack but couldn't resist setting it all up again for one more look at the common sandpiper.

Then, just beyond the sandpiper, I saw two smaller waders and my heart skipped a beat. They just had to be stints, they were so tiny!

They were wary and mobile and before I could get close to them they were off. Several times as I made my way along the bank I lost and re-found them. At one point, that sadistic bastard of a shepherd drove past just above them, and his two dogs ran so close that I had them in the scope - but the stints merely sank down and froze for a while and then carried on feeding.

Two boys going in for an illicit swim were the next threat - although I have to admit they were not too noisy. When I eventually relocated the stints, I settled down and looked at them very carefully before phoning them in to Birdline Southeast. 

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