Sunday, June 24, 2007
Back in Taplow, I went for a walk and found the pair of firecrests still feeding at least two young in the hollies near the top of Berry Hill, between the public footpath and the cricket ground. As well as singing from the male and the usual si-si noises, there was a harsh sound from one of the fledglings when the other one got too close. This was the last I would see of the Taplow firecrest family.
Scotland: 16th-23rd June
We stayed for the week in one of the white houses at Ardmair, a few miles north of Ullapool.
Scotland: 16th-23rd June
We stayed for the week in one of the white houses at Ardmair, a few miles north of Ullapool.

Our first hill-walk was Glas Bheinn ("glashvin") in Assynt. Greger looks over to Quinag, which we walked two years ago. With five tops linked by a fine rocky ridge Quinag was a long but fabulous outing.
We saw no ptarmigan but they are present in the area. These pictures were taken by Greger two years ago on Quinag, where we also saw a female with four small chicks.

This is looking south-east along Loch More.

It's a curious summit altogether, with a shelter and triangulation pillar on the lower top, and the real top just past the solar-powered aerial. (No idea what that's for!)
The rocky crest beyond the summit cairn was the start of our route of descent. As we left the top, it began to drizzle.

A little way down the flank of the mountain we saw a splendid male ring ouzel, then the female and at least two young.

For our final day we took the ferry to Handa Island, which cost £10 each. It was worth it. The weather stayed fine, the cliff scenery was fantastic and we had great views of nesting seabirds.
Greger took this shot of Puffin Bay with his mobile and managed to get a great skua in it. A peregrine circled for a while then flew off towards the mainland.

In fact, this individual standing right by the path is obviously a bit of a poser because a very similar photo appears on the birdguides website.