Sunday, March 30, 2008

The little owl was in trees along the Boundary Road footpath in Taplow.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Back near the car park, a couple just setting out with an umbrella changed their minds when it blew inside out for the third time.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Late afternoon. Two silver birches on the estate held long-tailed tits, a goldcrest and two firecrests. The firecrests (one a female) were very wary and flew up into the cover of the holm oaks. They flew together and were fairly vocal, so they are possibly the breeding pair from last summer. I retreated, hoping I hadn't driven them away completely.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Just before 6 pm, a firecrest was making its way along a hedgerow in fields on the south side of Taplow village. The bird (a male) was moving westwards, just past the junction with the path to the village centre. I probably wouldn't have seen it if it had kept quiet, but a sharpish, unfamiliar call made me turn and look.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Egypt Woods, 3.30pm. One lesser spotted woodpecker. It didn't hang around this time but flew off north.
A pair of siskins and a mixed-tit flock were also present.
A pair of siskins and a mixed-tit flock were also present.