Sunday, May 03, 2009
Pagham Harbour - Kentish Plover
The path along the bank to the beach made a great walk in the windy sunshine, and the combination of bluebells and flowering gorse was intoxicating.
The path along the bank to the beach made a great walk in the windy sunshine, and the combination of bluebells and flowering gorse was intoxicating.

Then I spotted a plover standing far out on the mudflats. Was it the same bird? Was it my first-ever Kentish plover?

The walk back along the bank soon warmed me up. At home I uploaded the photos and compared them with Kentish plover pictures on the birding sites. The following morning I checked Sussex's website, but no-one had reported a Kentish plover; so I sent my picture to ask for confirmation. A Scarcer Species form was sent to me, and the upshot was that I appeared as the finder; but with the addition of "et al". This bothers me. Who were the "et al"? I never claimed to be the finder; and if other birders who were sure of their identification saw it, their names should be there, not mine. But if that's the case, why didn't they report it? Questions, questions, problems, problems.
Nevertheless, a fabulous day!