Oxfordshire/West Berkshire
We parked at Ashdown House and did our 7-mile walk over the downs.

The spotted flycatcher - my first of the year - was near the car park as we set off. I've always thought these woods should be good for the species but have been unlucky up to now.
It was very hot and still, and fairly quiet bird-wise. Greger took this singing chiffchaff, and we also had brief views of singing blackcap. We saw a very pale buzzard but only managed to hear a bullfinch.

I turned round to speak to Greger at one point and over his shoulder saw a huge plane coming low along the valley.
Greger took a few photos (this one isn't cropped), and said he thought it was a DC-3. We had a great view as it rumbled gently past heading south.
Later: The plane is a BBMF Dakota (military version of DC-3) and it's based at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire.