Sunday, July 19, 2009
A windy walk in Cliveden brought two kinds of woodpecker, a large mixed-tit flock, nuthatches, treecreepers, and a family of song thrushes. I saw one male blackcap, while two others were singing - briefly though, and with not much conviction.
The heron on the top of the oak and the small copper butterfly were the only things that gave me any chance of snapping them.
There was an alarming number of small boys about the place with sticks. Take any small boy out for a walk, and sooner or later he will acquire a stick. It is then best, I've always found, to keep your distance.
On the other hand, my mum was just the same. She would find a stick and poke it into any handy hole in the ground, saying "I wonder what's down there?" Which reminds me - I saw another stoat. It raced across the water-garden lawn and into the bushes.

On the other hand, my mum was just the same. She would find a stick and poke it into any handy hole in the ground, saying "I wonder what's down there?" Which reminds me - I saw another stoat. It raced across the water-garden lawn and into the bushes.