Friday, January 01, 2010
Egypt Woods (Burnham Beeches) - Lesser spotted woodpecker
After a longish walk in gorgeous sunshine, I was watching some long-tailed tits when a lesser spotted woodpecker flew across the path in front of me and swooped into a nearby tree.
She foraged in the same area for some time, conveniently low; and I was able to get my first halfway decent photos. Needless to say she made my day.

Elsewhere in the woods, twenty or so siskins and two redpolls were present. A green woodpecker undulated through the trees and a great spotted woodpecker - making off with a larch cone - looked so bright he might have been freshly painted. A goldcrest was seen and a marsh tit called.
Dorney Wetlands
Late afternoon, and the Dorney Common corner held two water rails, two stonechats, numerous pied wagtails, several grey wagtails, three meadow pipits, two chiffchaffs and two reed buntings - as well as robins, wrens, dunnocks and moorhens. On the islands, at least 130 golden plovers were settling down for the night.