Sunday, February 21, 2010
A grey day in the woods.....
.....was brightened up by two bramblings feeding with chaffinches. This male, in the beginnings of summer plumage, was particularly striking.
Fortunately for me, a dog walker flushed all birds high into the trees; it's not easy getting photos through the tangle of twigs, but it's better than when the birds are on the ground where they are well camouflaged in the litter of leaves and beechmast.

Half a dozen siskins were vocal and active, and a couple of wary crossbills alighted briefly on the top of a pine. A tawny owl hooted several times during the afternoon; and although a lesser spotted woodpecker wasn't seen, I did hear one drumming. This was a first for me - so despite the glumness of the day and the mud underfoot, it was altogether a useful outing.