Dorney Wetlands
I was about to lean on the fence near the boardwalk when I realised it was crawling with what I later discovered are Alderflies. Perhaps their presence accounted for the large number of birds feeding over the river today.

Among the many common terns was this Arctic tern. I identified it correctly but was pleased to have it confirmed.

Glancing to my right I saw a bunch of black-headed gulls and a summer-plumaged little gull. I just wish I could have got pictures that did justice to both this pretty, pink-flushed gull and the Arctic tern.

The gull settled on the water for a while and then flew over to the farm. Five minutes later it returned, but it hunted further and further downstream until I lost it altogether.

Two hobbies were also taking advantage of the fly-hatching. A wheatear and a common sandpiper were on the islands, and a lesser whitethroat was still singing in the hedgerow.
A very good morning!