Dorney Corner was alive early this morning with warblers; there were scruffy young chiffchaffs and at least one sleek yellow willow warbler squabbling in the hedgerow. The kingfisher was intently watching the pool below.

A grey wagtail was at the weir - the first I've seen since the hill-walk sighting in Scotland. The "hide" window was completely overgrown, but I did get an unexpected view of a young bird moving around in the reeds. Trouble was, it simultaneously got an unexpected view of me and disappeared. A reed warbler? Maybe not, given the sliver of white on the wing. Garden warbler isn't impossible.

I thought I heard a distant Cetti's, but by now the noise from the motorway was drowning everything out. At the new little pool or scrape near the footbridge, a second grey wagtail was seen fly-catching; and several house martins and swifts were hunting.