Friday, November 19, 2010
I set off along the Jubilee River this morning in a pearly white mist. Above East Marsh a flock of lapwings was wheeling; then came the liquid calls of golden plover. They landed close to the hide, so I clicked off a couple of shots despite the poor visibility.

There were plenty of ducks: wigeon, pochard, shoveler, tufted, mallard, gadwall, teal, and a single shelduck.
Dorney Corner was as busy as usual with swarms of flies making a long stay if not impossible, at least uncomfortable. A chiffchaff, foraging on branches that dipped into the water, was chased away by two reed buntings; and a grey wagtail flew in with a sharp call. A Cetti's warbler sang several times. The hedgerow bordering the common held another chiffchaff.
Back near the first footbridge, a second Cetti's was singing/muttering - only to be outdone by a sudden burst of song from a third individual. A water rail squealed gently. By this time, the place was bathed in glorious sunshine.