Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jubilee River

I went for a late walk round the Dorney Wetlands. A Cetti's warbler sang intermittently from the boardwalk area and a ring-necked parakeet careered over shrieking. I hoped to see a bittern but couldn't wait until dark because of the sudden onset of a sore throat. (Oh no. Here we go again.)

Monday - Burnham Beeches

Dry, bright weather drew me up to the Beeches for a midday walk. A large flock of chittering winter finches streamed over, and later I found four of them feeding on birch catkins. They proved to be three siskins and a lesser redpoll.

The harsh call of a raven had been ringing through the trees for some time, and now I caught a glimpse of the bird as it flew over a clearing.

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