Sunday, May 29, 2011
Gale force winds and heavy showers on Monday ruled out a hill-walk, so we drove south along the coast. The tidal flats at Dundonell produced common sandpiper, a greenshank and a wheatear. In Gruinard Bay were three adult black-throated divers and one juvenile.

We were having spaghetti bolognese that evening, but on the way home Greger suggested buying a scampi and chips between us for a starter so that we wouldn't have to rush around cooking immediately and could enjoy a late dinner.
Good job we did, because we got no spaghetti that night. The power went off at about half past six and with the wind whistling through a narrow gap at the bottom of the windows the house soon became very cold. We went to bed and the power returned just after midnight; we were lucky really, because thanks to the storms, many people in Scotland had no power for 24 hours.