On Tuesday we drove north to Scourie. This is a lovely place for seeing all sorts of nice things. Here's Greger, for a start.

And here's a twite with attitude.

There was a nice little flock of dunlins on the sandy beach.

Greger took this photo looking inland to Ben Stack, a hill we climbed a few years ago.

A guillemot was keeping company with razorbills on the rough sea, but we looked in vain for puffins.

The smooth green area beyond the headland is the lovely Handa Island. You can get a boat out there and see most species of seabird that nest on the west coast. You can sometimes see them from Scourie, for nothing - but you have to be lucky, and today we weren't. No kittiwakes or Arctic skuas....

There was a group of schoolchildren on the beach with their teachers, so the dunlins were constantly on the move.

A couple of ringed plover chicks were seen scurrying to the back of the beach and several Eider were too far out for photos. Likewise a black guillemot.