This is the best picture I could get of a very active Hairy-footed (Spring) Flower Bee. The female is all black except for a fringe of yellowish hairs on the back legs. She has been visiting the "beauty bush" which unfortunately is not very beautiful in this case because I cut it back all wrong.

What is beautiful though, and totally unexpected, is this pale lemon rose. As we have newish neighbours who have made their garden quite charming, I went out in a fit of conscience this spring and tidied up along our mutual wall. And there behind what had been an out-of-control privet was this unsuspected rose bush, which must have been planted more than eighteen years ago. The fragrance, though subtle, is sublime.

All of which has very little to do with birds or walking. Best bird lately is a bullfinch, calling and flying over the house and almost certainly breeding nearby.