Friday, May 13, 2011
Jubilee River
Yesterday, seeing the report of a roseate tern on the river near Eton, I decided to allow myself a twitch. Then I changed my mind and remarked to Greger that I would just have a quick walk on the wetlands. So I drove to Lake End Road and walked to Manor Farm Weir.
But somehow I found myself walking on.... past the weir, and the black bridge, along a rather boring section of the river, under the Windsor bypass and the railway line - and there was the roseate as reported, on the yellow buoys in the company of common terns and black-headed gulls.

I don't usually like to twitch lifers (much more exciting to find your own!) but I've spent quite a few frustrating hours at Titchfield Haven trying to see roseates; and with today's walk (8km the round trip) I felt I'd at least earned the tick. It was a nice bird to watch in flight, its black bill and subtle pink flush separating it from the commons even before you'd seen the long tail streamers (or streamer - apparently it's lost one).
As I headed back, a hobby passed me going upstream and several house sparrows collecting food were a cheering sight along the hedgerow. Later: A nice twitch - except for sadness on seeing someone I used to get on with - and now we no longer speak. It's a pity, as I had no quarrel with him.