Monday, June 27, 2011
A still, warm evening had brought out clouds of flies along the Jubilee River; and small birds were squabbling in a dead (and impossible to get close to) tree on the far bank of the Roundmoor Ditch.
The quarrels mostly involved chaffinches and lesser whitethroats. At least one adult lesser whitethroat was present in spick-and-span plumage, but I think these pics may be of two fledglings.

There were loads of reed warblers feeding fledged young; and there were loads of kids playing on the weir. There's a great need around here for designated places for people to have a dip safely in hot weather. It's scandalous that with all the gravel pits there are locally, not even one corner of one of them has been set aside for swimming. (Apart from Taplow Lake, and that's a pricey affair for triathletes and the like for which you must wear a wetsuit.)