Monday, July 04, 2011
Sunday 3rd July
We drove to Pagham Harbour. Greger had forgotten to bring the coffee from home, so he filled the flask with boiling water in the hotel room and bought a small jar of Gold Blend when we stopped to buy sandwiches.
Sidlesham Ferry Pool held black-tailed godwits, redshanks and a couple of avocets.
Sandwich terns were active and vocal round the Church Norton spit area.

Otherwise it seemed fairly quiet bird-wise. We sat on the beach and had lunch, and Greger got the flask and the biscuits out. Rummaging around in his rucksack for an age, he finally emerged and admitted that he'd left the new jar of coffee in the car. Well, why wouldn't he? Leaving things behind was obviously the theme for the weekend.
Other people were spreadeagled, sunbathing. We made ourselves as comfortable as we could on the pebbly beach and I took as much off as was decently possible while Greger went to sleep. (I'm not sure if those two things are linked.) Anyway, luckily we'd remembered the sun-tan lotion. Just a few years ago I would have gone in for a swim; but today I wasn't even tempted.
Wandering back along the bank, Greger pointed out this fish in the ferry channel near to the sluice gates. In fact there were two; they were blooming big blighters and we've yet to find out what they were. (For some reason this photo won't click up. Blast.)

Finally we paid an evening visit to Farlington Marshes, but the tide was out and the only bird of note was a far-off little tern. A lovely weekend.