It was a toss-up between Pagham Harbour and Dungeness; Greger favoured Dungeness because he fancied buying some crab.
A female marsh harrier came cruising across Burrowes Pit, seen to advantage against the grey backdrop of the nuclear power station.

At Denge Marsh, I was absorbed in watching a Sandwich tern that had landed on a small island among the common terns. Swinging the scope across the pit I was amazed to see a great white egret fishing on the far side; I then realised that everyone else in the hide was already looking at it! Greger managed the best record shot in dull conditions.

He also spotted this tern with a large fish. A lot of screeching then issued from the juvenile bird on the raft; but whether in excitement at the prospect of a meal or from terror at the size of it, I do not know. Another adult came shrieking in and amid all the clamour, the fish got dropped back into the water.

In strong winds we saw very few small birds, a handful of yellow wagtails being the best. Waders seen were dunlin, sanderling, ringed plover and several common sandpipers.
From the beach we saw gannets and one shearwater - species unknown. And finally we went to the fresh fish-shop where Greger bought a dressed crab and some prawns while I watched the little train on the Dymchurch-Hythe railway go past.

An enjoyable if wind-blown visit, and a tasty fish starter when we got home.