Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I got down to Dorney Wetlands early this morning and once the fog had cleared it was still and bright, although not sunny. However the peace was soon shattered by men at work, clearing vegetation from the river edges. The grass on both north and south banks was mowed a couple of days ago but it may be too late for autumn chats.

There seemed to be chiffchaffs in every other bush and tree, and a few swallows went over heading south. A wader flying high and then dropping steeply onto East Marsh was my first snipe of the autumn.
I'd already had a glimpse of a Cetti's warbler at the weir, and heard two more along the river; now a fourth individual exploded into song. Years ago we'd spend hours at Titchfield Haven in Hampshire trying to spot Cetti's warblers and roseate terns; both species have now been seen much closer to home. Perhaps sooner or later, everything will come to the Jubilee River!