Sunday, October 02, 2011
Home and garden
I ventured into the garden for a short while at midday, where several European Hornets are still feeding on the ivy flowers. Seven visible segments on the abdomen of this individual point to a male, or drone.

This year they are as retiring as usual, moving behind the ivy if I get too close with the camera; whereas the Common Wasps come straight at me. One wasp (half its size) dive-bombed a hornet, which fell clumsily into a spider's web. However it scrambled out easily enough, unlike a wasp we saw a couple of days ago which had flown into a Garden Spider's web near the door. The spider was in the act of trussing up the wasp in a silken cocoon, presumably to eat later.
The hornets, and a blackbird singing somewhere beyond the garden, made up a little for being housebound and miserable with flu on this last, lovely weekend of the summer.