Saturday, November 26, 2011

We returned to Lowbury Hill on our walk today, but there was no sign of the short-eared owls. The picture below shows a patch of delicate, violet-veined flowers and was taken on the 5th November.

Today most of them had gone to seed but there were still a few faded blooms hanging on. I've identified them as Pale Toadflax; and in all the literature I can find about them, their season is given as June-September.

A little band of piglets, able to run under the electric wire that keeps their mothers in, had gone exploring through the hedge and onto the track ahead of us. Nice to think they have a few adventures before they're made into bacon!

The best birds were about thirty golden plovers, in among a larger flock of lapwings.

Last week, Greger's brother reported that the number of whooper swans on his fields had grown to 100; while three cranes flew over.

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