Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two birds at least were very vocal, but I still didn't hear any pinging. The calls today were the same dry "tik" heard yesterday, but there was also a falling "tyu" or "dew". A reed bunting was present for some of the time, but these calls seemed to be coming from the reedlings.
Another birder with two small dogs (John Bowman, as I learnt) was there when I arrived. We talked for quite a lot of the time and at one point the two small dogs barked defiantly at a tractor, yet one bird was often in sight (just) at the edge of the reeds close to the bank.
The birds were on the Bucks side of the picnic tables, which made them very handy for a quick visit; and they were still there when I dragged myself away. A buzzard flew over.