Saturday, February 11, 2012
On our approach to Terminal 5 at Heathrow this morning we saw a group of people near the roundabout with tripods and optics. Naturally my antennae went up and I looked wildly around for a crane or something while Greger nervously watched the road; but of course they were plane-spotters, not birders. (Der - the proximity of the airport might have been a clue.)
With the rest of the day to myself where could I go but Dorney, where so much is happening? Goosanders had been reported and there were four fishing just below the weir. I stood there for ages getting loads and loads of rubbish pictures and also getting frozen stiff. Plus, I stepped in dog poo, but it wasn't a day to get annoyed about trivial things. Here's a record shot ("record shot" being birderese for "crap photo but I'm going to inflict it on you anyway").

Walking back I saw a water rail on the far side of the river walking carefully on the ice in front of the reeds. Quite a number of birds were foraging on the north bank. Too far for the camera really, but here's a novelty shot of a lapwing, two golden plovers, a fieldfare and a snipe.