I walked right round the wetlands, something I haven't done for a long time. A chiffchaff was singing from willows, which now have their furry catkins. As I crossed the black bridge below the weir a water rail scurried off into the reeds.
I didn't have great hopes of getting a shot of a song thrush, singing right next to the path; and sure enough, when I raised the camera he flew. But he flew towards me and continued to sing overhead.

A Cetti's warbler was singing unseen from brambles as I stood on the bank looking over the Roundmoor Ditch. To my surprise he flew up into the tree and sat in full view long enough for me to grab an out-of-focus shot.

Not only that; he hopped around a bit and then burst into song again.

I say "he" but the female sometimes sings as well (Birds of the Western Palearctic). Anyway, it was the first time I've watched one as it sang.