Greger had a couple of days' work in Sweden, tacking the weekend on to visit his family. He took this shot with his mobile across his brother's fields, which held at least fifty whooper swans and at least two hundred geese; some Canada, but possibly some grey geese as well. When they took off, they seemed to fill the sky. Two cranes were also present.

On a walk round the village this evening, I thought I heard a lesser spotted woodpecker but only saw a great-spot. The kestrel was hunting in his usual place.

Two helicopters flying together looked significant so I snapped them; Greger informs me they're Apache Attack Helicopters, which are pretty racy.

A firecrest was heard singing but it was on private land where I couldn't hang around too long. A Peacock and several Brimstone Butterflies were on the wing, and a chiffchaff was singing.