An earlyish walk at the wetlands brought this wren, singing from the Cetti's song-tree.

The Cetti himself was around as usual, unaware that he's s'posed to be a skulker.
Firecrest was my target bird for the afternoon, so after re-grouping at home I joined the throng at Cliveden. I love this classy new gate replacing the old wooden one; I took the photo last September when I'd been watching a firecrest close by.

I found a singing firecrest in the same place last Sunday, saw him again on Wednesday, and he was still there today. I had an idea he wasn't alone. He was foraging quite low for a while in what I'd always thought was a wayfaring tree; in fact it's another kind of viburnum: Leatherleaf (V. rhytidophyllum). He was also favouring a yew.