Saturday, May 19, 2012
Our walk started in woods with a mistle thrush singing from the top of a tree. Up on the downs it was dullish weather, misty in the distance.
We lunched on the ramparts of Uffington Castle. A meadow pipit was displaying, and a wheatear was on the White Horse Hill triangulation pillar (flush bracket no. 2987).
Greger pointed to something flying over the fields below us; a short-eared owl. It was a fine sight, the owl flying strongly up the bank and then cruising low over the hill-fort; but my efforts to capture the scene failed. A better pic was obtained when it perched momentarily by the Ridgeway.
A long stretch on the road was enlivened by a distant curlew, and several yellow wagtails.
Back at the woods, a spotted flycatcher was around the car park and a garden warbler was singing nearby; but I was too tired to explore further. Our walk was between ten and eleven miles long.