Saturday, June 23, 2012

We had been eating lunch in the shelter of some bushes when I heard a roar from the south. "Crikey," I said, "that wind is getting ridiculous!" Then through the trees I glimpsed a formation of planes speeding low towards us. 

It was the Red Arrows, travelling in two groups. 

We looked at their website later; they must have just come from an airshow in Somerset and were on their way to a flyby in Norfolk and another airshow in Suffolk. Greger remarked that after all that lot they must be knackered.

In slightly brighter conditions, the corn bunting added a bit of noise of his own. 

We didn't hang around looking at the stone curlews as they seem to be aware of watchers even at that distance, but we saw one adult with two chicks.

Being grounded with a fractured wrist has meant a lot of virtual birding for me recently; and that's how I knew that a great bustard had been seen at a stone curlew site. From one of the photos on the web, I thought it might be this location.

So I clicked off a shot today, and it was a match. But after my bit of detective work, I see that the sighting (with general location) is on Birdguides anyway. 

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