Saturday, March 23, 2013

My heart sank when I looked out this morning and saw snow. I really wasn't looking forward to a day spent indoors. But with the temperature around zero it was already melting, so I was able to drive down to Lake End Road. 

Two redshanks were on East Marsh where the three small islands had, with dropping water levels, again become one. As I scanned hopefully for plovers my bins caught a familiar movement - a run low to the ground then an abrupt stop and an upright stance. My first wheatear of the year!

Poor little blighter. Why didn't you stay in Africa? I would.

I seem to be getting good at flushing birds unfortunately, and the wheatear flew south right over me but perhaps went down again on the monument hill. It's possible it was flushed from there in the first place by the incredible number of dogs on site. The record shot is timed at 13.18, and there's just a chance that this is the first Dorney wheatear to be seen this spring.

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