Thursday, July 04, 2013

A ringed plover was at the Eton Wick flood this morning. I returned late afternoon with my scope just to confirm identity; the plover was still there together with two green sandpipers and a redshank.

The Weymouth Break

Isle of Portland: Starting at the Bill, we walked quite a bit of the coast path, up the west side and down the east.

Our second walk was on the mainland. These old coastguard cottages at White Nothe are quite forbidding, looming up on the cliffs like a haunted house. 

The falls of chalk spilling out onto the beach in this photo were not there on our last visit, in August 2011. They seem relatively minor affairs.....

......unlike this massive and famous cliff-fall which occurred in April, just east of Durdle Door. A stretch of the south-west coast path has gone for good.

Perhaps Lulworth Cove would be more picturesque without all the human additions; but it looked okay from a distance, and even the parked cars added a certain - well, something. 

The photo was taken from Hambury Tout, which we climbed so that I could bag a new trig point.  

On our last morning we paid a visit to Chesil Beach and looked at the little tern colony there. One tern chased a herring gull and looked so tiny in comparison! Greger got some exercise by running up and down the shingle bank.

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