Thursday, August 21, 2014

On the beach at Badentarbat, a knot stood stock-still when a great skua cruised over; but it didn't seem bothered by our admiring presence, and it took no notice when a boy went in for a swim right next to it.

The sanderling was standing on its own preening when it was joined by a juvenile ringed plover. Then a couple of adults moved in until it was surrounded by them, when they chased it off.

The sanderling didn't go far. It foraged at the edge of the water until it almost reached us, when it flew along the beach uttering a call that sounded like "wit wit".

I took the next picture even more into the sun to get four wader species in; redshank, knot, sanderling, and ringed plover.

Oystercatchers, two dunlin, and a common sandpiper were also present. It was bright and sunny but the wind was freezing cold. We've given up hope of any summer.

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