Friday, September 26, 2014

29th September 2014

I spent an absorbing hour or two at Rhue, rock-pooling. Now and then a "stone" lying on the bottom would get up and walk - my first hermit crabs. Then a writhing clump of tiny grey creatures moved across the surface of the water above them.

Later research on the internet revealed them to be a kind of springtail (Anurida maritima). They're scavengers, and naturally congregate around a food source.

26th September 2014

I spent this cold and blustery day indoors, cleaning bathrooms and washing shower curtains. Greger carried on working in the office on our current job, and came out to the kitchen to make a coffee. Filling the kettle at the sink he drew my attention to a large bird cruising in from the north. We often see buzzards from the house, but this didn't look like a buzzard.

We rushed through the house and onto the front porch from where we had fairly good views of the bird; it was very high, and we thought at first it was a golden eagle (I peered up through the bins and remarked that it looked like a vulture - should have heard the warning bells). We never got a sideways view.

As it drifted off to the south over the village I took a last snap and then went in to upload the pics. And then I began to think that it wasn't a golden eagle after all, but a white-tailed. Juvenile birds have longer tails than the adults, and studying Forsman I finally identified this as an immature white-tailed eagle.

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