Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Greger had business in Inverness so I went with him "for the ride". As we had some time to waste before a bank appointment he suggested driving towards Nairn, so we went to Alturlie Point. About thirty wigeon and several mute swans were on the sea, and further out were a dozen ducks which I thought at first were tufties. I got out into the biting wind for a better look - and saw pale grey backs on the drakes and conspicuous white patches around the bill-joins of the ducks. They were scaup. 

I watched these ducks with delight. Maybe long ago I twitched a female scaup somewhere - but if I did, I can't remember it. I think these were my first. Greger got out to look through the scope and also thought them striking birds.

Back in Inverness I heard a sharp call from above and saw my first grey wagtail of the year on the roof of the bank.

As we drove home the wind dropped at last and although it was dusk, a beautiful clear sky gave us enough light to see a snow-speckled Ben Wyvis and lots of red deer mooching about at the side of the road.

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