Thursday, April 02, 2015
Eagles are sometimes not easy. I saw this one soaring at a distance and we drove for a while before pulling off the road. The eagle then flew towards us, which made it more difficult (for me, anyway) to get a decent photo.
I was in no doubt it was a white-tailed eagle - until Greger said he thought it could be a golden. Was the tail really short? Or was it long? However, I think it's a sea eagle. In my (admittedly limited) experience, golden eagles are more wary. White-tailed eagles don't care about anyone or anything. If they set off to fly a certain line they will blooming-well fly that line.
Anyway, it was wonderful to see it soaring and then flying past us, very high in that lovely blue sky; we watched until it was out of sight - which didn't take long as it wasn't hanging about.
We clambered up to a cairn we hadn't seen before, from where we heard the thin, fretful piping of a golden plover. A meadow pipit was going up in display and then parachuting down, singing.
We had some bright sunshine today although the temperatures were low; and the loch water was sparkling and glittering around a pair of black-throated divers.
Barnacle geese were again present in the fields of Altandhu; and there was still a greenshank, frolicking in the waves on Badentarbat beach.