Thursday, April 28, 2016

Although still freezing cold, the day was bright and dry - so we drove south. At least three greenshanks were at Poolewe, with two seen well from the path.

Our first common sandpiper on the mainland was also seen here.

Several redshanks were present but only one dunlin. Sand martins and swallows were hawking low over the sea, a willow warbler sang from the gardens, and a great spotted woodpecker drummed from the forest.

The sports-field at Aultbea was worth a visit; there must have been a couple of hundred meadow pipits feeding there, with the bonus of nineteen wheatears.

The birds were jittery, frequently taking to the air and streaming towards us to dive into the bushes behind the car park. I couldn't understand why until a merlin came flying across the field, twisting and darting as only a merlin can; but it failed to kill and flew off to the south.

On the drive home we saw two wheatears from the car, making twenty-one for the day.

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