Thursday, May 25, 2017

Driving north yesterday, I spotted a duck on Loch Cul Dromannan and pulled into the lay-by. It was drizzling with rain and difficult to see through the trees, so I just clicked off a couple of shots between branches of what I thought was a sleeping tufted duck - in itself interesting enough around here - and drove on. So taken up was I last night with the little stint, that I failed to look at the pictures properly.

The odd-shaped head and the grey flank with white outline seems more like ring-necked duck - which would have been a first for me. There has been a ring-necked in Ullapool recently, so it's not impossible. Even more annoying, on the way home I again got a glimpse of a black-and-white duck - but I'd gone past the lay-by at that point and couldn't be bothered to turn. There was no sign of it this afternoon.

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