Sunday, September 03, 2017

Two crossbills left the top of a spruce at the corner of the plantation, flew across the track, and alighted on one of the wires - which was slightly closer to me. Could they have young somewhere? I wondered; but they didn't seem agitated, so I took some pics.

The male proceeded to preen and scratch quite vigorously, while the female remained motionless and aloof, as if in disdain at her companion's fidgets.

At one point they seemed uneasy about something below, but I missed this at the time. No doubt a whole family of pine martens - an animal I've yet to see - strolled past while I was concentrating on the birds.

Whatever it was, the danger evidently passed because my next pictures show the crossbills looking relaxed. I quietly backed away and set off along the track, turning for a last long-shot showing the birds still there - and, on the left in the long grass, the post I'd been leaning on to take the pics.

The wind was fairly warm but too persistent and strong for enjoyable walking, so I drove home, refusing to be distracted on the way by a tourist's eagle (i.e. a buzzard).

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