Friday, March 15, 2019

It was too unsettled for a walk but I felt restless, so after lunch I drove past the harbour and up onto West Terrace where loads of gulls were hanging in the wind facing the loch.

Something went past slowly on my right, a bit higher than the gulls, something dark and hunched. Buzzard? I wondered briefly. It looked too substantial and flew too ponderously for a buzzard, but as it was flying away from me I couldn't tell. Once out of the car, I found it hard to hold the camera still in the gusty wind coming off the sea. Fortunately the bird turned to present its profile and was then easily identified as a white-tailed sea eagle.

The eagle was an immature bird and had possibly been ringed. It seemed to be attempting to fly out across the loch towards the hills, but maybe the wind was too strong. In the end it slipped back over the roof-tops and disappeared from view.

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