Saturday, August 31, 2019

Greger began the day in Edinburgh with an ice-cream.

We then joined the gathering by the Scottish National Gallery, ready to move off behind a police van in a peaceful protest against the prorogation of parliament.

The column walked up High Street and Canongate while tourists took pictures or looked down from open-top buses, some cheering and giving us the thumbs-up.

At Holyrood, others were waiting by the Scottish Parliament building.

The crowd probably numbered hundreds rather than thousands, but it was a fairly off-the-cuff event that might have drawn more had there been more notice. Other towns and cities had protests but none so large as that in London. This one was good-humoured, with fairly polite placards such as "Boris is bad" - while two young girls paddled about in the pools outside parliament with a sign proclaiming "Boris is stupid". Nice understatement there.

The only birds noted were swallows, three magpies, and a lesser black-backed gull.

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