Monday, November 14, 2022

After days of being plundered by robins and dunnocks, the Himalayan honeysuckle still had enough berries to provide a female blackcap with a meal.

Going out later to bring the washing in, I spotted the silhouette of a bird with a tell-tale crest.....waxies! A couple of others joined it and then they flew. I wonder where they're feeding? The rowan tree with the yellow berries behind our place has been almost stripped bare - and not by winter thrushes as far as I can tell. I've seen only singles of redwing and fieldfare, but there are lots of blackbirds around. Our rowan and our neighbour's rowan are also virtually berry-less. I hope the waxwings find a stock somewhere and stay around for a while - they're such lovely birds to both see and hear!

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