Wednesday, January 24, 2024

My obsessive scanning of dip-feeding gulls at the southern end of Ardmair beach finally paid off this morning. Watching from the car, I thought I glimpsed a tiny gull among the black-headed gulls and ventured a short walk to the houses. This gave me no shelter at all as the strong wind was coming straight off the sea, but after a while I could see that there was a smaller bird - probably a little gull. By this time I was freezing, so I went back to my car and drove away to have my lunch; but seeing no-one at Stonechat (one of the holiday homes) I pulled into their lay-by and watched the gulls from behind the fence. My pictures were all rubbish, so I snapped a hovering kestrel instead (a snow-streaked Ben Mor Coigach in the  background). The ferry was seen, outward bound for Stornoway.

After thawing out over a bowl of soup I returned to Ardmair. This time I walked along the road, then made my way down the bank between the houses and onto the beach - where I could get some slightly better pics by sitting on a rather damp boulder.


I'd been concentrating on the dip-feeders hoping for a Med gull again; that wasn't to be, but the little gull was ample compensation - a nice surprise and a great bird (for me) this early in the year.

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