I heard the crossbill before I spotted her - and as she flew away Greger said there were two.
The only other birds we saw on our Silverbridge walk were coals tits, a buzzard, and a red kite. On the way home we pulled into a lay-by to have our coffee and buns, and Greger pointed out something many Scottish people delight in seeing - a giant Saltire in the sky. You'd think I couldn't miss it, but I did happen to be facing the other way at the time, watching a golden eagle soaring above a ridge - and there can't be any better excuse than that!
Three whooper swans on Loch Droma were the first we've seen in the area for ages; the cold weather drove them away, presumably to ride it out closer to sea level. But, despite the sunshine, it was still fairly cold and it is still January after all; we could have snow again before spring.