Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Downs - Oxfordshire/West Berkshire
We did our usual 7-mile walk here, hoping for cuckoos and yellow wagtails - but didn't get 'em.
Birds were scarce, but it was a good day out in a lovely part of the country. There were no naked ramblers this week, but at White Horse Hill a passing walker lifted his straw boater in greeting. Classy!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Dorney Wetlands, Berkshire
An evening walk brought lots of painted ladies. Zooming in on them made me aware of the richness of the grasslands here, with clover and vetches adding splashes of colour - I hope they don't mow it!

At least three butterflies were cavorting in the garden of the Pineapple - this one, not in tiptop condition, perching on the seat and waiting perhaps for a pint of best nectar.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Since it's only the second wader I've seen there this year it seemed worth digi-scoping, especially given the unusually still conditions. Thought I heard a distant grasshopper warbler but it might have been my bike.
Sunday, May 24, 2009

I always think of this as Greger's Hill, as he's done a lot of stomping up and down it over the years while I bird-watched in the heather.
The redstart was near Lower Star Post. I'd been watching a tree pipit displaying in a clearing when I became aware of a song I didn't know and finally located the redstart - alternately singing and flycatching from the top of a conifer. He was feeding rather than food-gathering so I watched and listened to him for some time. Magical!
There were loads of manic orange butterflies which I couldn't see well enough to identify (probably painted ladies given that many have been sighted on the coast), and a dragonfly which I've since learnt was a broad-bodied chaser.

Quite a few siskins were feeding high in pine trees by Forest Pond.
Saturday, May 23rd
The most interesting thing we saw on our Ridgeway walk was a naked man.

We set out from Warren Farm near Streatley, Berkshire, for our usual long walk with several target birds in mind - none of which we got. Greger however took another nice pic of a yellowhammer.
The nude rambler was the second one we've encountered in the last couple of years, the previous one being spotted near - appropriately enough - Scutchamer Knob.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Taplow, Bucks
A sun halo this morning - caused, I read in Wikipedia, by sunlight being refracted by ice crystals. I noticed it while I was hanging out the washing - so domestic chores can sometimes be useful!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Dorney Lake
The return lake was being canoed on, so I wasn't very hopeful. But two greenshanks on the seasonal pool were my first of the year. Redshanks were also present.
A turnstone fed near them for a while, then flew towards me with its vibrant call and landed on the south shore of the return lake.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
The path along the bank to the beach made a great walk in the windy sunshine, and the combination of bluebells and flowering gorse was intoxicating.

Saturday, May 02, 2009
The target birds today were cuckoo - and something a little more rare. We didn't get the cuckoo.

But bird of the day was an elegant raptor, floating like a grey ghost across the hillside.
A birder told me whereabouts I might get a sighting of Montagu's harrier a few years ago, and we devised a couple of routes to take in the location for one of our Saturday walks. It's a nice, "natural" way to see it.
The pictures were taken from the road. A brilliant end to an enjoyable walk.